
Solutions Through Horses

Our solutions through Horses programs bring a unique opportunity to participants, using our equine team members to engage, inspire and motivate participants. These experiences have positive outcomes including transference to life skills, improved wellbeing and practical skills in rural industries. This has resulted in increased engagement in school or vocational activities for many of our participants, including work opportunities.

The Yarraman Territory Way

The use of horsemanship is gaining momentum internationally as an innovative opportunity to engage people in meaningful and rewarding activities with abundant outcomes across wellbeing domains. Yarraman Territory has anecdotal evidence consistent with research in this area indicating that the use of horses can help to:

  • Enhance social skills, empathy, foster positive relationships and communication skills
  • Enhance problem solving skills
  • Increase sense of personal control and in turn, behaviour accountability/responsibility
  • Assist with emotion regulations and frustration tolerance

One on One Connections through Horses

Our one on one sessions can be tailored to match the individuals needs, goals or outcomes. Sessions go for 45 minutes and are a combination of ground work and riding
Sessions can be increased or decreased in intensity based on individual circumstances.

We can offer these daily, weekly and monthly

Group Connections with Horses

horse ridding lessons

Our group sessions are tailored to achieve outcomes of the individuals and group as a whole. Sessions run for 45 minutes and are a combination of ground work and riding.

Horse Riding Lessons

All horses and equipment provided

Minis – 4 and under
Junior – 4 years and under 18 years
Intermediate – under 18 years
Senior 18+

Individual riding lessons also available – any age.

Bespoke Experiences

Horsemanship Clinics & Demonstrations
Innovative horsemanship clinics and demonstrations introducing participants to natural horsemanship, basic horse handling, care and riding skills.

Connections through canines
Our dogs provide an ideal icebreaker and opportunity for participants to bond and interact in a fun and non-threatening space.

“Get out and about” three day camping trip
The ultimate experience for participants to
continue to develop their horsemanship,
understand and experience responsibility
of setting up camp and working as a team

Partners and Clients

  • Eunoia Lane
  • Dept Chief Minister Youth Holiday Program
  • Patches Paediatricians
  • NTCA – Real Jobs Program
  • Top End Mental Health Consumers Organisation
  • Territory Families, Housing and Communities
  • Malak Re-engagement Centre
  • Tivendale School
  • Don Dale and Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre
  • Doomadgee Community
  • NT Integrated Therapy
  • Ntaria School
  • Youthworx NT